How fantastic it is to be back out on the course again with no restrictions in place. There have been very good fields which is great to see. We have a lot of lost time to make up for and get that bar turnover humming again.
I must congratulate everyone again for their patience and understanding during Level 2 & 3. And thank everyone that helped me organise and facilitate the guidelines and local rules. It was much appreciated.
The Committee had our first meeting since lockdown on June 9th.
Financially the Club has taken a hit with no golf and the bar being closed. However we did apply for and got the wage subsidy. The Club is lucky to be in a good position to handle the loss of income. However it cannot be sneezed at because we have lost and possibly will be losing more sponsors. There are a lot of sponsors rolling over this year and we to hope to retain them. If anyone is keen to help out with the sponsorship team or any kind of sponsorship, please come forward and contact me. And also the Bar needs more helpers please so the pressure can come off Maurie. There is a free online course called Servewise which takes about an hour and “provides users with an understanding of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act, with a strong focus on intoxication, minors, server intervention and host responsibility”
The newly formed course committee has had their first meeting. There has been a recommendation that the tree on #18 be felled and some form of mound takes its place. This would improve the appearance of the hole from the clubhouse too due to the large dead area underneath it. However the Committee has decided that this needs to be sorted at the AGM. So please think about it and submit your ideas to the committee ( before the AGM of what to do with the tree or how to tidy it up. Also the gumtree on right side of #5 will come down at some stage. It is cracked and not in a good way.
Important: There is to be no pitching to either practice greens please. A lot of damage has occurred to the greens and not been repaired.
The next project around the place to be investigated is further cart storage. There has been a sub-committee set up to sort out ideas of size, position and cost.
The driving range will be finished soon apparently. Peter is currently awaiting consent on a few items before the pro-shop can go ahead. There will be a contract drawn up between P&M and the Club concerning this
And lastly I also heard that cheese rolls are back on. So we can look forward to that massive fundraiser for the Club.
Cheers and good golfing